Biography of Erich Itor Kahn (1905-1956)
Born in Rimbach near Heidelberg
pianist, working with Hans Rosbaud, Arnold Schönberg, Pablo Casals und Dinu Lipatte
Was friends with Rudolf Kolisch and Rene Leibowitz
Emigrates to the USA
Dies in New York
Further information/Sources:
CDs with/from Erich Itor Kahn
Ensemble Aventure, Robert Hill, Christian Hommel
- Allegro con fuoco (07:00:00)
- Andante (04:54:00)
- Molto Allegro (04:51:00)
- Preludio. Andante ma vivace (03:14:00)
- Preghiera. Misterioso e triste (04:32:00)
- Ballo eccentrico. Ritmo marcato (02:12:00)
- Epilogo. Maestoso (03:47:00)
- Erich Itor Kahn: Actus Tragicus (14:00:00)
- 1. Satz (07:58:00)
- 2. Satz (06:12:00)
Rudolf Karel: Nonett:
Pavel Haas: Bläserquintett op. 10:
Hans Krása: Kammermusik für Cembalo und sieben Instrumente:
Last edit 29.07.2010