Biography of Johann Georg Tromlitz (1725-1805)
Born in Reinsdorf
Production of his own flutes, due to his own dissatisfaction with available instruments. In the same year beginning to study law.
Principal flute at Leipzig Grand Concert a predecessor of todays Gewandhaus orchestra
End of playing in the orchestra in favour of concert tours and teaching
No concerts any more, instead of this concentration of flute building. He developed a flute with eight keys, which was only playable for very experienced flutists.
First edition of a short treatise about flute playing and invents a long key for the F, which should be played with the left small finger.
Flute method "Ausführlicher und gründlicher Unterricht die Flöte zu spielen"
Article in the "General musical newspaper"
Another treatise about flute
Dies in Leipzig
Tromlitz is the great-grandfather of Clara Schumann on the mother´s side
Further information/Sources:
Literature von/über Johann Georg Tromlitz
- Flöteninstrumente und ihre Baugeschichte - Spielpraxis - Komponisten und ihre Werke - Interpreten1. edition Laaber: Laaber-Verlag,2009. - ISBN: 978-3-89007-545-7
- Demmler, Fritz: Johann Georg Tromlitz (1725 - 1805)Ein Beitrag zur Entwicklung der Flöte und des Flötenspiels1961.
- Celle: Edition Moeck,1987. - ISBN: 3-87549-028-2
- The instrument - the performer - the music9. edition Lubbock: Texas Tech University Press,- ISBN: 0-89672-285-6
- Tonger, P. J.: Conversations-Lexikon der TonkunstBeilage der Neuen MusikzeitungKöln: Wilhelm Hassel,1910.
Last edit 22.11.2011