Biography of Heinrich Soussmann (1796-1848)
Born in Berlin, son of a musician.
First violin lessons from his father. He soon changed to the flute after listening to the flutist Schröck, who became his teacher.
Joins a military band
Takes part in a crusade against Napoleon
Due to a injury of the chest several years without playing flute.
Flutist of the royal orchestra
Move to Petersburg, where he became first flutist at the Grand Opera
Flutist of the Mariinsky Theatre
Very successful concert tour to Germany
Dies in May in Petersburg
Several compositions for flute, for example a concert, a method and countless etudes
Further information/Sources:
- → CDs by/of Heinrich Soussmann bei JPC (mit Hörproben)
- → Music by/with Heinrich Soussmann at
Sheet music for flute:
Complete Method for the flute - Part II: Easy Duets for the Formation of Tone and Progressive Studies (Schule)
(flute/2 flutes)
Carl Fischer, O504
Rating: mid-grade
Literature von/über Heinrich Soussmann
- Flöteninstrumente und ihre Baugeschichte - Spielpraxis - Komponisten und ihre Werke - Interpreten1. edition Laaber: Laaber-Verlag,2009. - ISBN: 978-3-89007-545-7
- Celle: Edition Moeck,1987. - ISBN: 3-87549-028-2
- The instrument - the performer - the music9. edition Lubbock: Texas Tech University Press,- ISBN: 0-89672-285-6
- Tonger, P. J.: Conversations-Lexikon der TonkunstBeilage der Neuen MusikzeitungKöln: Wilhelm Hassel,1910.
Last edit 03.04.2012