Biography of Christoph Nichelmann (1717-1762)

Born in Treuenbrietzen, Brandenburg
Student of the Thomas school in Leipzig under Johann Sebastian Bach and piano lessons from his son Wilhelm Friedemann.
Until 1738 student of Keiser, Telemann and Mattheson in Hamburg.
Further studies in Berlin with Carl Heinrich Graund and Johann Joachim Quantz.
Appointment for second harpsichordist in the band of the king in Berlin
Gives up his appointment in Berlin, the cause is unknown. Rest of his life he spends in private, living very poor.
Dies in Berlin
Part of the Berlin school (as for example Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach and Carl Heinrich Graun as well as his brother Johann Gottlieb Graun)
Today only his compositions for harpsichord are still known.

Sheet music for flute:

Trio (h-moll)
CD-Aufnahmen bei jpc.deMP3-Download bei
(2 flutes, cello basso continuo, piano basso continuo)
Rating: mid-grade
  1. Allegro
  2. Adagio
  3. Allegro
Last remaining trio sonata for this cast by Nichelmann. The original handwritings are kept in the university library in Lund (Sweden).
Last edit 01.01.2010