Biography of Charles Koechlin (1867-1950)
Born in Paris into a manufacturers family from Alsace
First piano lessons
First composition attempts
Studies at the polytechnical school in Paris with determination astronomer
break up of the technical studies and turn to music
Assistant of Faure and doing the orchestrations of his work
Marriage with Suzanne Pierrard. They have five children.
Adolphe Hennebains plays the premiere of Flute Sonata op. 52
Financial problems force him to write books and teach music. Among his students are Germaine Tailleferre, Francis Poulenc, Roger Desormiere and Darius Milhaud
Four journeys for recitations to America
Pastorale for flute, clarinet and piano
Lectorship at the Schola cantorum in Paris
Shockes by the political events and the beginning war, composing stopped for about two years.
Starting to work on Chants de Nectaire for flute. The piece build of 65 movements and a duration of more than 3 hours was finishet in September of the same year.
Dies in Le Canadel
From 1899 to 1950 Koechlin composed 29 works for flute.
His four volume publication about orchestration is sort of a bible regarding orchestration of 20th century music
Further information/Sources:
- → Charles Koechlin bei Wikipedia
- → CDs by/of Charles Koechlin bei JPC (mit Hörproben)
- → Music by/with Charles Koechlin at
Sheet music for flute:
14 piéces pour flûte et piano
(flute, piano)
Editions Salabert, EAS 13969
Rating: easy
- I - Vielle Chanson (Andante con moto)
- II - Gai, assez anime
- III - Andante espressivo
- IV - Moderato con moto
- V - Allegro moderato
- VI - Andante quasi adagio
- VII - Beau soir (Large)
- VIII - Andantino
- IX - Allegretto con moto
- X - Allegretto quasi Andantino
- XI - Allegretto
- XII - Danse Printaniere
- XIII - Marche Funebre
- XIV - Allegro moderato
Fourteen easy and short pieces, which are, as often with Koechlin, simple but beautiful.
2 Monodies (G-Dur)
Gerard Billaudot, G 7764 B
Rating: easy
- Andantino quasi allegretto
- Allegretto
Deux Nocturnes op. 32 bis
(flute, horn in F, piano)
Gerard Billaudot, G 4652 B
Rating: difficult
- Venise
- Dans la Forêt
For flute and piano startin with 4b, followed by 5#.
Early composition from around the turn of the century. Premiere posthum in 1965.
Divertissement op. 90
(2 flutes, alto flute (clarinet))
Masters Music Publications, M 3332
Rating: mid-grade
- Très calme
- Allegretto quasi Andante (sans lenteur)
- Final
Parts and score (also for the alternative clarinet). Partly without bar lines.
Épitaphe de Jean Harlow op. 164
(flute, alto sax, piano (harp))
Editions Max Eschig, M. E. 7344
Rating: mid-grade
- Andantino, sans trainer
Inspired by the early death of the 26 year old actress, dedicated to Jean Harlow in 1937.
Les Chants de Nectaire
Gerard Billaudot, G. 3031 B.
Rating: difficult
- Préambule
- Naissance de la vie
- Jeunesse du monde
- Les tranquilles clartés de l'intelligence
- Criblent de flèches l'erreur et la bêtise
- Le rire vainqueur
- La plainte humaine
- Lumière, modération, équilibre
- Le jardin des muses
- Les vrilles de la vigne
- Gaieté du matin ensoleillé
- Méditation sur la douleur humaine
This edition is quite old and from a second hand book shop. In a newer edition at Billaudot the pieces are available again.
Morceau de lecture pour la Flûte op. 218 (d-moll)
(flute, piano)
Gerard Billaudot, G.4851 B.
Rating: mid-grade
- Adagio
Pastorale op. 75 bis
(flute, clarinet in H flat, piano)
Gerard Billaudot, G4650B
Rating: easy
- Allegretto (tres modere)
For each woodwind only one page. Unfortunately it is a really thin, touchy paper which will probably not last long if really worked with.
Duration is given with two and a half minutes.
Sonatine Modale op. 155
(flute, clarinet in A)
Editions Max Eschig, 7783
Rating: mid-grade
- Andante moderato
- Allegro moderato
- Andantino
- Assez large, expansif
- Allegro (non troppo)
two scores
Very beautiful melody.
Stèle Funéraire
(flute/piccolo/alto flute)
Edition Suvini Zerboni, M. E. 7839
Rating: easy
- Presque adagio
The parts for alto flute are not transposed.
Suite en Quatuor op. 55
(flute, violin, viola, piano)
Editions Max Eschig, M.E. 7888
Rating: mid-grade
- Moderato quasi Andante
- Andante quasi adagio
- Allegro con moto. Bien décidé
Hard to read due to a print in handwriting fashion. Lots of changes of time.
CDs with/from Charles Koechlin
Dirk Altmann, Joachim Bänsch, Mila Georgieva, Ingrid Philippi, Tatjana Ruhland, Libor Sima, Christina Singer, Yaara Tal
- Epitaphe de Jean Harlow op. 164 (1937) (03:44:00)
- I. Tres calme (03:25:00)
- II. Allegretto quasi andante (sans lenteur) (01:02:00)
- III. Final - Allegro, bien decide (03:40:00)
- I. Moderato quasi andante (03:45:00)
- II. Andante quasi adagio (02:34:00)
- Suite en quatuor op. 55 (1911-15) (04:26:00)
- Lent (quasi adagio) (02:23:00)
- Moderato sans lenteur (03:17:00)
- Trio op. 92 (04:59:00)
- Assez lent (03:40:00)
- Allegretto scherzando (00:54:00)
- Sonate pour deux flutes op. 75 (1918-1920) (03:08:00)
- Venise (Andante con moto) (02:52:00)
- Dans la Foret (Adagio) (02:52:00)
- Andante moderato (00:54:00)
- Allegro moderato (00:49:00)
- Andantino (sans trainer) (01:30:00)
- Assez large, expansif (01:36:00)
- Allegro (non troppo) (00:59:00)
- Piece de flute pour lecture a vue op. 218 (1948) - Adagio (02:00:00)
Trio (Divertissement) op. 91 (1923-1924):
Suite en quatuor op. 55 (1911-15):
Trio op. 92:
Sonate pour deux flutes op. 75 (1918-1920):
Deux Nocturnes op. 32 bis (1897-1907):
Sonatine modale op. 155a (1936-1937):
- Préambule (03:51:00)
- Naissance de la vie (Birth of life) (02:18:00)
- Jeux de la lumière (Patterns of light) (01:55:00)
- Clarté de l'Exprit (Clarity of mind) (02:22:00)
- Jeunesse du monde (Youth of the world) (01:20:00)
- Les tranquilles clartés de l'Intelligence.... (Insights of calm intelligence) (01:00:00)
- ...criblent de flèches l'Erreur et la Bêtise (...pierce with bolts Error and Stupidity) (00:40:00)
- Le Rire vainqueur (Mocking laughter) (00:46:00)
- Gaîte de la lumière (Fun with light) (01:16:00)
- Les vaines querelles (à quoi bon?) (Vain quarrels - what's the point?) (01:46:00)
- La Tendresse (Tenderness) (03:12:00)
- La Plainte humaine (The lament of mankind) (02:19:00)
- La Nuit (Night) (02:53:00)
- Souffle du Printemps sur la mer (Breaths of Spring on the sea) (01:01:00)
- Lumière - modération - équilibre (Light - moderation - equilibrium) (02:55:00)
- L'Amour (Love) (01:44:00)
- La Pitié (Pity) (02:06:00)
- Pour les âmes souffrantes (For suffering souls) (02:09:00)
- Le Jardin des Muses (The garden of the Muses) (01:23:00)
- Les Vrilles de la Vigne (The tendrils of the vine) (01:02:00)
- Les Heures douces (Happy hours) (02:11:00)
- La Crainte (Fear) (02:22:00)
- Idylle (00:54:00)
- Clair de lune sur la mer (Moonlight on the sea) (01:59:00)
- L'Elan vers la vie (Bursting into life) (00:49:00)
- "Le Désir qui crée les Mondes" (The desire which all worlds are born of) (02:26:00)
- L'Effort de l'Homme (Human effort) (03:46:00)
- Le Vaincu médite (Thoughts in defeat) (01:49:00)
- Le Soir (Evening) (01:34:00)
- Le Calme du Sage (The sage's calm) (02:00:00)
- Gaiîeté du matin ensoleillé (Fun on a sunny morning) (01:07:00)
- Méditation sur la couleur humaine (Meditation on human sorrow) (05:16:00)
- A l'ombre, par une fraîche matinée de printemps (In the shade, on a cool Spring morning) (00:50:00)
- La claire forêt (The clear forest) (02:16:00)
- Jeux dans la clairière (Games in the clearing) (00:56:00)
- Le Bois Sacré (The Sacred Wood) (02:18:00)
- Le Bruissement des feuilles (The fluttering of leaves) (01:15:00)
- Boire à l'ombre, en été (Drinking in the shade, in Summer) (00:54:00)
- Danse de nymphes, au soleil (Nymph dance, in the sun) (00:40:00)
- Jeux de Naïades (Water nymph games) (01:16:00)
- Fraîcheur des beaux matins de la montagne (Chill of fine mornings in the mountains) (01:27:00)
- Le Chevrier (The goatherd) (01:22:00)
- Danse de Faunes (Faun dance) (00:43:00)
- "Mollesque sub arbore somni..." (02:51:00)
- La mer aux bruits innombrables (The sea whose unnumbered noises) (02:15:00)
- Endymion, berger (Endymion the shepherd) (02:03:00)
- Le Satyre (00:40:00)
- "Majoresque cadunt altis de montibus umbrae" (01:40:00)
- Caprice du Faune (The fauns's caprice) (00:46:00)
- Sur la mort d'un chat (On the death of a cat) (02:19:00)
- Pureté du matin sur la grève (Purity of morning on the shore) (01:17:00)
- L'"Heureux petit berger" (The "Happy shepherd boy") (01:12:00)
- Calme du soir (Calm of evening) (02:11:00)
- Brise fraîche du matin sur la mer (Cool morning breeze on the sea) (00:57:00)
- "O fortunatos nimium... agricolas" (02:04:00)
- Soir lumineux (Bright evening) (01:39:00)
- Gaîté du Printemps dans la Forêt (Spring fun in the forest) (00:58:00)
- "Tityre, Tu patulae recubans sub tegmine fagi" (03:09:00)
- Danses dans la forêt (Dances in the forest) (01:24:00)
- "At secura quies..." (01:44:00)
- "Formosi pecoris custos, formosior ipse" (01:40:00)
- "Les oiseaux sont ivres..." ("The birds are drunk...") (01:11:00)
- Silène (Silenus) (01:16:00)
- Pour le cortège de Dionysos (For the procession of Dionysos) (01:15:00)
- Prière dans le mode dorien (Prayer in the Dorian mode) (02:34:00)
- Réponse à la divinité tutélaire (Reply to the tutelary divinity) (02:24:00)
- Prière d'un malade (Prayer of someone sick) (03:26:00)
- Cortège de jeunes filles (Procession of maidens) (01:29:00)
- Danse au soleil du matin dans la campagne (Dance in the morning sun in the countryside) (00:57:00)
- Cortège d'éphèbes (Procession of youths) (02:08:00)
- Prière des enfants (Children's prayer) (01:50:00)
- Danses pour saluer le retour du printemps (Dances to greet the return of Spring) (01:41:00)
- Epithalames (02:15:00)
- Prière de l'épouse dont le mari est parti à la guerre (Prayer of the wife whose husband has gone to war) (01:27:00)
- Danse pour célébrer le retour du Père (Dance to greet the return of the Father) (00:58:00)
- Prière funéraire (Funeral prayer) (02:52:00)
- Danses pour célébrer d'heureuses fiancailles (Dances to celebrate happy betrothals) (00:55:00)
- Prière des orphelins (Orphans' prayer) (02:52:00)
- Incantation pour guérir un cerveau malade (Spell to cure a sick brain) (01:50:00)
- Tityre remercie les Dieux (Tityrus thanks the Gods) (00:52:00)
- Hymne du philosophe devant la nuit d'étoiles (Canticle of the philosopher gazing at the night stars) (01:45:00)
- Danses d'adolescents devant la maison heureuse (Dances of youths in front of the happy home) (01:32:00)
- Le Maître enseigne à ses élèves la vie harmonieuse des Sages antiques (The Master teaches his pupils the harmonious lives of the ancient Sages) (01:18:00)
- Ronde joyeuse dans les prés fleuris (Joyful ring dance in the flowery meadows) (00:51:00)
- Prière aux Sages de la Forêt (Prayer to the Forest Sages) (02:00:00)
- Prière aux dieux protecteurs du foyer (Prayer to the Hearth Gods) (02:07:00)
- Prière de l'aïeule (Grandmother's second prayer) (03:34:00)
- Autre prière de l'aïeule (Grandmother's second prayer) (01:47:00)
- "Danse" (01:32:00)
- Cortège (01:31:00)
- Incantation pour écarter les mauvais esprits (Spell to drive off evil spirits) (01:00:00)
- Danses des Faunes familiers (Dances of the familiar Fauns) (01:20:00)
- Cortège (02:57:00)
- Prière pour guérir un malade (Prayer to cure someone sick) (02:33:00)
- Autre prière pour la guérison (Second prayer for cure) (01:40:00)
- Cortège d'actions de grâce (Thanksgiving procession) (04:01:00)
Sehr sprechend vorgetragen, schöner Klang und ich mag Koechlin in seiner sanglichen Einfachheit. Aber 3 CDs am Stück Flöte ganz alleine, das ist auch für mich anstrengend. Also dosiert genießen. Das ist ein besonderes Werk, wie ich finde.
Jane Dodd, Christopher Hyde-Smith
Flute Music of France (1989)
- Gabriel Fauré: Fantaisie Op. 79 (05:03:00)
- Louis Aubert: Madrigal (04:20:00)
- Pan (03:07:00)
- Tityre (01:05:00)
- Krishna (03:10:00)
- Mr. de la Pejaudie (01:34:00)
- Gabriel Fauré: Morceau de Concours (02:49:00)
- Charles Koechlin: 14 Pieces pour Flute et piano Op. 157 (12:16:00)
- Jean-Michel Damase: Nocturne (02:14:00)
- Philippe Gaubert: Madrigal (03:48:00)
- Camille Saint-Saëns: Romance op. 37 (05:43:00)
- Allegro malinconico (04:15:00)
- Cantilena (04:14:00)
- Presto giocoso (03:28:00)
Albert Roussel: Joueurs de Flute:
Francis Poulenc: Sonata:
Markus Brönnimann, Michael Kleiser, Jean-Philippe Vivier
- Allegro con spirito (04:17:00)
- Adagio (04:51:00)
- Molto allegro e leggierissimo (03:38:00)
- Adagio molto tranquillo (04:09:00)
- Mouvement de Sicilienne - Allegretto très modéré mais sans trainer (03:12:00)
- Final - Animé et gai (06:09:00)
- Allegro , bien décidé et rythmé (02:35:00)
- Andante quasi adagio (03:51:00)
- Final - Allegro moderato sans lenteur, bien allant mais sans précipiter le rythme (03:08:00)
- Allegro ben moderato (02:53:00)
- Andante con moto (03:02:00)
- Allegro sans traîner (02:50:00)
- Andante moderato (dans le caractère d'une chansonpopulaire) (01:10:00)
- Allegro moderato (lumineux et gai) (01:10:00)
- Andantino (sans traîner) (01:26:00)
- Assez large, expansif (01:57:00)
- Allegro (non troppo) (00:00:01)
- Allegretto con moto (mais pas réellement allegro) (00:59:00)
- Andante con moto (01:27:00)
- Tempo de Sicilienne (02:24:00)
- Allegretto (03:17:00)
Maurice Emmanuel: Sonata op. 11:
Charles Koechlin: Flute Sonata op. 52:
Charles Koechlin: Clarinet Sonata No. 1 Op. 85:
Charles Koechlin: Clarinet Sonata No. 2 Op. 86:
Charles Koechlin: Sonatine modale Op. 155a:
Charles Koechlin: Three pieces from op. 178:
Charles Koechlin: Pastorale Op. 75 bis:
Literature von/über Charles Koechlin
- Flöteninstrumente und ihre Baugeschichte - Spielpraxis - Komponisten und ihre Werke - Interpreten1. edition Laaber: Laaber-Verlag,2009. - ISBN: 978-3-89007-545-7
Last edit 31.05.2020