Biography of Hans Ludwig Schilling (*1927)
Further information/Sources:
- → CDs by/of Hans Ludwig Schilling bei JPC (mit Hörproben)
- → Music by/with Hans Ludwig Schilling at
- → Books about or by Hans Ludwig Schilling
Sheet music for flute:
Metamorphosen über ein altes Liebeslied (B-Dur)
(flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon)
Edition Breitkopf, Wb. 729
Rating: mid-grade
- Cantus prius factus
- Melisma
- Mixtura 1a
- Mixtura IIa quasi organum
- Proportio dupla
- Planus
- Tropus
- Canon a 2 e ostinato
- Sequentia
- Canon a 4
- Tricinium
- Declamation
- Bicinium
- Cantus inversus quasi cancricans
- Clausula finalis
Parts and score from which the bassoon has to play.
Sounds very much like organ. A bit of an "old" sound. Might become nice with a little bit of work on it.
The edition gives a total duration of 28 minutes.
Literature von/über Hans Ludwig Schilling
- Schmid, A. J.: Der Komponist Hans Ludwig SchillingGrafisches - Biografisches - Autobiografisches - AntiautobiografischesFreiburg: Poppen & Ortmann,1972. - ISBN: 978-3765101168